“The Materials are sublime and top of the range”
HWReady – August 31, 2015
LeeSiuLoong – September 02, 2013
“Com um preço relativamente acessível, mesmo para aqueles com orçamentos mais humildes, a BitFenix Shinobi XL parece-nos uma excelente alternativa às soluções já com mais tempo de mercado.”
Info Hardware – January 23, 2013
“Com um preço relativamente acessível, mesmo para aqueles com orçamentos mais humildes, a BitFenix Shinobi XL parece-nos uma excelente alternativa às soluções já com mais tempo de mercado.”
Info Hardware – January 23, 2013
“On the other hand, if we put functionality to the fore, then the BitFenix Shinobi XL edges out the competition by offering superb upgradeability at just over £100. Don’t let the price fool you, it has space for multiple 360mm radiators and the top of the case has 4 USB 3 ports and a supercharger. “
Kitguru – January 03, 2013
“Le boîtier Bitfenix Shinobi XL est un produit d’excellente qualité, massif, solide, créé pour durer. Ses dimensions, hypertrophiées pour certaines et généreuses pour d’autres, le tout dans une sobriété que ne renierait pas Lian Li, achèveront de convaincre ceux qui sont sensibles aux grandes tours. “
59Hardware – August 03, 2012

“This case is ideal for gamers and normal users alike. It has a plethora of fans, ample space, and a great build quality. For its extraordinary versatility and great airflow, the BitFenix Shinobi XL earns the Bjorn3D Golden Bear Award.”
Bjorn 3D – July 05, 2012
“BitFenix has a very nice case on its hands with the Shinobi XL. The Shinobi XL has loads of features, room for the largest of hardware, and can pack a fair bit of water cooling options out of the box without mods. The front I/O panel having 4 USB 3.0 ports along with the SuperCharge port is really nice. “
Legit reviews – June 25, 2012
“The Bitfenix Shinobi XL lives up to its name. It’s subtle, silent and very effective. We have seen cases that cool better, but the performance is good enough for you not to have to worry about your expensive components. This is a high-end chassis for a high-end system, no doubt about it.”
Hardware.info – June 20, 2012
“What really won me over in the end, is while this version does offer a window, there wasn’t any flashy lights or annoying LED placements to blind you from across the room and this large volume of chassis is very well ventilated as it ships from the factory and gives you the ability to put three radiators inside the chassis if you plan correctly.”
TweakTown – June 18, 2012
“There is nothing to not like about the inside of the case, outside is a personal preference. But if you want a high end water cooling case to be able to house all of your gear, this is it. Bitfenix did not skimp on the manufacturing of this at all. We liked it so much that Dennie decided to use it for his personal machine.”
Deviceunknown – May 31, 2012
“That said, the positives here far outweigh the minor negatives. The Shinobi XL is certainly well featured for the $150 price tag. It’s difficult to find a sleek and elegant full tower case at this price; normally such towers cost considerably more into the premium price range. “
Pure Overclock – May 28, 2012
“That said, the positives here far outweigh the minor negatives. The Shinobi XL is certainly well featured for the $150 price tag. It’s difficult to find a sleek and elegant full tower case at this price; normally such towers cost considerably more into the premium price range. “
Pure Overclock – May 24, 2012
“This case really is built for water cooling, you can fit radiators all over the place, there is plenty of room up top for a 360mm radiator, a 240mm will fit in the front at the cost of some 3.5″ bays, and I think another 240mm will fit on the bottom if you take the 3.5″ cage out completely. That’d be a bit excessive, but having the option is nice.”
Funkykit – May 07, 2012
“The future proofing, integrated fan controller and subtle styling make this a very nice case for any build. The mid-tower ATX size is large enough for all but the most extreme hardware setups, but keeps it compact enough to be portable (Or at least not take up a huge amount of space on the desk).”
OCIA – May 07, 2012
“Et pour conclure, c’est un bon boîtier pour celui qui veut se monter une bonne configuration, sans trop faire chauffer car avec un flux d’air assez restreint (pas d’entrée d’air à l’avant), il a tendance à chauffer un peu plus que ses concurrents.”
pc-overware – May 07, 2012
“The system’s water-cooling setup forces its multi-format card reader and Blu-ray combo drive to sit in the bottom two 5.25-inch bays. Four USB 3.0 ports rest near the top of this desktop’s front panel, joined by an additional USB 2.0 connector that Origin’s commandeered and boosted for faster recharging of connected devices.”
PC world – May 04, 2012
“Shinobi XL må vara mindre än många av konkurrenterna i klassen, men det är verkligen ingenting som märks vid monteringen. Chassit känns väldigt rymligt med gott om utrymme för rejäla komponenter samtidigt som det bjuder på god byggkvalitet och passform.”
SWEclockers – April 27, 2012
“Bref, comme vous pouvez le lire ce boîtier nous a vraiment emballé et malgré ses 150€ il est un excellent choix pour les amateurs de grosses configurations et de matériel de qualité. Il obtient pour toutes ces raisons, et sans aucune discussion, la mention « Approved Modding.fr”
Modding.fr – April 23, 2012
“I’m not alone in thinking that the company has managed to have quite an impact on case market, with a range of impressively designed, budget-priced cases that would please even the most choosy of PC enthusiasts. With lovely rubber-finished surfaces, a plain, yet elegant design, Bitfenix is easy to recommend.”
Atomic – April 19, 2012
“Det har været et enormt spændende kabinet at anmelde, og jeg håber at se mere fra BitFenix i den boldgade – Gerne med de fejl rettet, der er blevet påtalt.”
OC team Denmark – April 19, 2012
“Hvad koster BitFenix Shinobi XL så? Hvis du skulle have fået blod på tanden og fået lyst til at erhverve dig et BitFenix Shinobi XL kabinet, kan det købes for omkring 1200,- DKK hos ComputerSalg.dk som i skrivende stund er blandt de billigeste af de få forhandlere i Danmark.”
Tweak.dk – April 18, 2012
“¿Podría ser mejor? Pues es dificil. BitFenix ha logrado fabricar un producto impecable en todos los sentidos en el que no echamos de menos ninguna característica importante. Además tiene un precio competitivo, de aproximadamente 140€, lo que hace de la Shinobi XL una de las cajas de gama alta con mejor relación precio-prestaciones del mercado.”
HardWare Analisis – April 13, 2012
“Bien pensé, il reste relativement silencieux, dispose de filtres à poussière partout où c’est nécessaire et ne souffre d’aucun véritable défaut. Un vrai bon boîtier pour qui a de la place sous son bureau.”
PC world.fr – April 13, 2012
“La conclusión es que el Bitfenix Shinobi XL es una caja de grandes dimensiones, con características que no encontrarás en otros chasis, todo ello con un aspecto sobrio pero elegante y aun precio acorde a lo que ofrece, quizas para algunos pueda ser elevado, pero ya se sabe, lo bueno se paga.”
Sabios del PC – April 11, 2012
“然而,忍者XL并非只是将尺寸提升到全塔规格那么简单。虽然机箱的外观延续了经典的“忍者风格”,但特色方面还是有不少增新的。诸如4xUSB 3.0接口、SuperCharge快速充电接口、FlexCage灵活硬盘架都为产品的附加值增光不少。”
驅動之家 – April 11, 2012

“The distinction “XL” is well deserved with a spacious ease of installation, whether in storage space, the formats of motherboards, the drive cage with seven drawers or storage space for wiring.”
Syndrome-oc – April 09, 2012
“BitFenix Shinobi变成了XL,可以说并不是单纯的体积变大了,作为一款简洁性设计的机箱,它的性能和配置得到了全面性的升级,对于很多朋友来说,这一设计使得机箱得到了质的飞跃。特别是机箱提供USB 3.0接口,这一设计使得这款机箱在未来几年内,功能性上都不会出现明显的落后,非常值得大家购买。”
小熊在線 – April 02, 2012
“Das gesamte Gehäuse wirkt äußerst massiv und stabil. Die Seitenwände lassen sich keineswegs verbiegen und auch der Innenraum weist keinerlei Mängel auf. Die SoftTouch-Beschichtung von Front und Deckel trägt ebenso zu einer wertigen Haptik bei. Alles in allem ist die Verarbeitung des Shinobi XL sehr hochwertig.”
Technic3D – March 30, 2012
“In Summe zählt das Shinobi XL zu den besten bislang getesteten Gehäusen. Es ist sowohl für Nutzer einer Luftkühlung als auch einer Wasserkühlung interessant, die auf ein großes Platzangebot Wert legen. Den Preis von 130€ halten wir für angemessen, sodass man bedenkenlos zugreifen kann und dieses Gehäuse zwei Awards verdient.”
HardWare Max – March 29, 2012
“In Summe zählt das Shinobi XL zu den besten bislang getesteten Gehäusen. Es ist sowohl für Nutzer einer Luftkühlung als auch einer Wasserkühlung interessant, die auf ein großes Platzangebot Wert legen. Den Preis von 130€ halten wir für angemessen, sodass man bedenkenlos zugreifen kann und dieses Gehäuse zwei Awards verdient.”
HardWare Max – March 29, 2012
“If you had put a little more thought into this case we would have been shouting from the roof tops as one of the best water cooling cases to ever been released. As it stands now its just another good case that should be an option on a short list rather than your only sensible option.”
OC3D – March 16, 2012